三郎丸Ⅳ 2020~2024 60% / OB FOR THE ULTIMATE SPIRITS「百世不磨」
Saburomaru IV 2020-2024, 60% ABV / Distillery Bottling for The Ultimate Spirits “Hyakusei Fuma”
ボトラーズ(Bottler):オフィシャルボトル(Official Bottle, DB, Distillery Bottling)
生産地域(Region):日本、富山(TOYAMA, JAPAN)
樽の種類(Cask Type):バーボンバレル(Bourbon Barrel)
カスクナンバー(Cask No.):#200122
総本数(Number of Bottles):230本(Bottles)
発売時期(Sales Period):2024
百世: 百代、非常に長い年月、永遠
不磨: 磨滅しない、衰えない
つまり、後世にまで長く伝えられるべき立派な功績や、永遠に忘れられないほどの強い印象を残す事柄などを形容する際に用いられます。 例えば、歴史に名を残す偉人の業績や、人々の心に深く刻まれるような感動的な出来事などに対して使われます。
This is a single cask Sabromaru whisky for RUDDER, a Japanese liquor store and importer. It’s part of their “Hyakusei Fuma” series, and this appears to be the ninth release.
“Hyakusei Fuma” (百世不磨) means something that remains untarnished and undiminished, retaining its value and brilliance forever, even after an extremely long time.
Hyakusei (百世): A hundred generations; an extremely long time; eternity.
Fuma (不磨): Unworn; unfading; imperishable.
The term is used to describe remarkable achievements worthy of being passed down through generations, or events that leave a lasting and unforgettable impression. For example, it could refer to the accomplishments of a historical figure or a deeply moving experience etched in people’s memories.
モルトヤマ 店主 下野孔明のテイスティングノート
Tasting note by Tadaaki Shimono (MALTOYAMA)
三郎丸Ⅳ 2020~2024 60% / OB FOR THE ULTIMATE SPIRITS「百世不磨」
Saburomaru IV 2020-2024, 60% ABV / Distillery Bottling for The Ultimate Spirits “Hyakusei Fuma”
総評:開栓時から力強い飲み口で、しっかりとしたピートはもちろんのこと、グレープフルーツを思わせるフルーティーさも感じられます。バランスも取れていて、同じヴィンテージの三郎丸 2020 4年 61% ファーストフィルバーボンバレル アイラピーテッド for ALOHA WHISKY BAR 5th Anniversary / ゴーストシリーズ #24 は、より柔らかく繊細でミネラル感や複雑さが強く、こちらの百世不磨は、しっかりとした飲み口と味わい全体の力強さが特徴的です。
Nose: Strong peat smoke, orange, Kanro candy, hints of tar and tobacco, a touch of dried fern, mochi wrapper, grapefruit pith.
Palate: Slightly spicy yet rounded texture, firm body, rich orange, grapefruit pith, a touch of apricot, some concentration, Kanro candy, fern. The finish features peat with ferns and a subtle powdery note.
Overall: A powerful dram from the moment it’s opened, boasting robust peat alongside a refreshing fruitiness reminiscent of grapefruit. Well-balanced overall. Compared to the Saburomaru 2020 4 Year Old 61% First Fill Bourbon Barrel Islay Peated for ALOHA WHISKY BAR 5th Anniversary / Ghost Series #24 of the same vintage, which is softer, more delicate, and exhibits stronger minerality and complexity, this Hyakusei Fuma showcases a firm body and powerful overall flavor profile. While they share the same vintage, their directions differ, and both are truly excellent examples of Saburomaru.
※This tasting note was translated into English by AI.
香味の好みだけでのポイント(Points for flavor preference):3.5
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下野 孔明(しもの ただあき)
モルトヤマ 店主
T&T TOYAMA株式会社 代表取締役社長COO
2021年に世界初の本格的ジャパニーズウイスキーボトラーズであるT&T TOYAMAを設立。
Tadaaki Shimono
Representative Director, President & COO, T&T TOYAMA Co., Ltd.
Born in Toyama, Japan in 1983, Tadaaki Shimono’s passion for single malt whisky ignited at the age of 20, when a chance encounter with a dram at a bar in Utsunomiya sparked a lifelong fascination.
This passion led him to establish Malt Yamazaki, an online retailer specializing in single malt whiskies, in 2013. Furthering his commitment to the spirit, he founded T&T TOYAMA in 2021, pioneering Japan’s first authentic whisky bottler.
A dedicated student of whisky, Shimono has traveled extensively, visiting over 160 distilleries across Japan, Scotland, Ireland, the United States, Canada, Korea, and Taiwan (as of October 2024).
For a more detailed biography, please click here
シングルモルト通販モルトヤマ メルマガ登録のご案内